Supporting Players Year Round
PTPA Global Services

Tarik Koubaa
Head of PTPA Global Services
To Use PTPA Global Services
What is PTPA Global Services?
PTPA Global Services is an innovative program designed to support players internationally. Led by Mohammed Tarik Koubaa, Head of PTPA Global Services, the program provides concierge services in a location a player wishes to train, but does not live.
Based on Dubai’s popularity as an off-season training destination, PTPA Global Services is launching in Dubai, but aims to expand to other regions in the future.
What does PTPA Global Services offer?
PTPA Global Services provides players and their teams a variety of concierge services and local support, including, but not limited to:
- Facilities: Securing access to tennis clubs and facilities that are suitable for professional-level players
- Training: Supporting with court bookings and locating and contracting local sparring partners
- Equipment: Finding suitable local stringing services for professional-level players
- Accommodations: Finding temporary accommodations (hotels or apartments) and supporting with booking
- Relocation: Helping navigate local legal requirements for players who wish to permanently move to the new location
Who can leverage PTPA Global Services?
The program is available to all current professional tennis players. Players within the PTPA's core player group of focus (top 250 men's and women's singles, top 100 men's and women's doubles), will be supported on a first come, first served basis. For players outside the PTPA's core player group, support will be subject to the availability of Tarik and his team.
How can I use PTPA Global Services?
Please contact Tarik or the PTPA Player Relations Team using one of the contact methods to the left to receive more information on PTPA Global Services.